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Tuesday, March 25 We're Sending Out a MAJOR LOVE!

Follow us on:  Instagram | Twitter | Facebook❤️ Major Love Prayer/Meditation ❤️❤️ Tuesday, March 25th ❤️❤️ At the same moment worldwide ❤️Dear MJFam ~ This Tuesday, March 25th, we will be uniting worldwide at the same moment for the monthly #MajorLovePrayer/ Meditation! 🙏 Together we will unite in global PEACE, sending out a MAJOR LOVE, embracing the world in vibrant LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY and ONENESS, to HEAL The World. 💕🌏💕 This will be the 187th consecutive global MLP, which began on Sept 25, 2009 in honor of Michael and his mission to heal the world. Everyone is invited to join, whether you'll be online or not, and of all faiths or beliefs. Wherever you may be...we are ONE....

This Tuesday, Feb 25 💞 We're sending out a MAJOR LOVE!

Follow us on:  Instagram | Twitter | Facebook❤️ Major Love Prayer/Meditation ❤️❤️ Tuesday, February 25th ❤️❤️ At the same moment worldwide ❤️Dear MJFam ~ This Tuesday, February 25th, we will be uniting worldwide at the same moment for the monthly #MajorLovePrayer/ Meditation! 🙏 Together we will unite in global PEACE, sending out a MAJOR LOVE, embracing the world in vibrant LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY and ONENESS, to HEAL The World. 💕🌏💕 This will be the 186th consecutive global MLP, which began on Sept 25, 2009 in honor of Michael and his mission to heal the world. Everyone is invited to join, whether you'll be online or not, and of all faiths or beliefs. Wherever you may be...we...

Saturday, January 25th We're sending out a MAJOR LOVE!

Follow us on:  Instagram | Twitter | Facebook❤️ Major Love Prayer/Meditation ❤️❤️ Saturday, January 25th ❤️❤️ At the same moment worldwide ❤️Dear MJFam ~ This Saturday, January 25th, we will be uniting worldwide at the same moment for the monthly #MajorLovePrayer/ Meditation! 🙏 Together we will unite in global PEACE, sending out a MAJOR LOVE, embracing the world in vibrant LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY and ONENESS, to HEAL The World. 💕🌏💕 This will be the 185th consecutive global MLP, which began 15 years ago, on Sept 25, 2009 in honor of Michael and his mission to heal the world. Everyone is invited to join, whether you'll be online or not, and of all faiths or beliefs. Wherever you...

Dec 25 We're sending out a MAJOR LOVE! 🎄❤️🌍

Follow us on:  Instagram | Twitter | Facebook❤️ Major Love Prayer/Meditation ❤️❤️ Wednesday, December 25th ❤️❤️ At the same moment worldwide ❤️Dear MJFam ~ This Wednesday, December 25th, we will be uniting worldwide at the same moment for the monthly #MajorLovePrayer/ Meditation! 🙏 Together we will unite in global PEACE, sending out a MAJOR LOVE, embracing the world in vibrant LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY and ONENESS, to HEAL The World. 💕🌏💕 This will be the 184th consecutive global MLP, which began 15 years ago, on Sept 25, 2009 in honor of Michael and his mission to heal the world. Everyone is invited to join, whether you'll be online or not, and of all faiths or beliefs. Wherever...

Monday, November 25 We're sending out a MAJOR LOVE 💕

Follow us on:  Instagram | Twitter | Facebook❤️ Major Love Prayer/Meditation ❤️❤️ Monday, November 25th ❤️❤️ At the same moment worldwide ❤️Dearest MJFam ~ This Monday, November 25th, we will be uniting worldwide at the same moment for the monthly #MajorLovePrayer/ Meditation! 🙏 Together we will unite in global PEACE, sending out a MAJOR LOVE, embracing the world in vibrant LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY and ONENESS, to HEAL The World. 💕🌏💕 This will be the 183rd consecutive global MLP (which began 15 years ago, on Sept 25, 2009) in honor of Michael and his mission to heal the world. Everyone is invited to join, whether you'll be online or not, and of all faiths or beliefs. Wherever...
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